Available assistance for you and your family during the crisis

How to access assistance during the pandemic crisis

The current crisis is causing a lot of disruption. Many people are struggling and feeling despair. They also don’t know where to turn for help. Being safe by self-isolating and washing your hands is important but there are other things you can do to help yourself. We have put together a list of resources and programs available to you and your family to help during the hard times.

Assistance regarding education and technology

Internet access is crucial to business and learning. There are government programs to help with the cost of broadband services. Lifeline gives a $9.25 monthly subsidy to help people pay for broadband services. Normally consumers would have to apply for enrollment which takes a while. FCC has stepped in to waive those requirements through until May 29, 2020. If you need help paying for your internet, it could be a great option for you.

If you need a computer to do schooling or work from home InterConnection offers computers to qualifying individuals and families who are low-income. Another company, CompUDopt is having a lottery to give away computers to qualifying families and students as well! At the same time, if you have a computer that needs repairing, PCs for People is giving away free repair service for families below the poverty level or those on government assistance.

Assistance for those with mental health problems

If you are struggling and need help, there is free support available to you at any time of day. You can text The Crisis Hotline at 741741 to speak with a trained counselor. There is also support specifically for healthcare professionals and essential workers, it is called For The Frontlines. It is free 24/7 crisis counseling and support for those dealing with anxiety, stress, fear, isolation, or anything else.

Addicts should not go without support either. There are free virtual sessions for addicts put on by the American Addiction Centers during the crisis. They have a variety of groups and topics to discuss. Another group offering free online support is Tempest who helps people will sobriety. There is even a scholarship for at-home recovery by them.

If you are a victim of domestic abuse the National Domestic Violence Hotline published articles on how individuals and families can stay safe during the crisis. There are also counselors you can call anytime at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) or chat online at www.thehotline.org.

This is a depressing time for many so it’s good to know that there is always someone to talk to if you are having suicidal thoughts. You can call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255). Likewise, they have put together special publications surrounding mental health during the crisis. For youth who are struggling, there are specific resources for them as well. Boys Town has counselors for all types of kids. They can be reached by calling 1-866-488-7386 or text START to 678678.

Assistance for hospitality workers

One of the biggest industries impacted by the crisis has been hospitality and restaurants. Seated, a reservation app, put out a phone line for those affected where they can receive guidance from experts in their industry on how to handle their future. Yelp is doing their part as well. They decided to waive advertising fees for certain customers in the restaurant business.

If you know a friend or relative who has been laid off because of the crisis, make sure they know they are eligible for more than just paycheck protection from the government. There are ways for their business to get back on track as well.

Assistance for elderly and handicapped people

We all know that those most susceptible to getting sick are elderly people. That is why The National Institute on Aging has published workout videos for seniors to stay active at home. They also have put out education material and a hotline for seniors to assist them to void getting scammed and explain to them how to access benefits from the government. And finally, those that are lonely and depressed there is also a hotline they can call to have a friend to speak to.

In these hard times, I am sure you have elderly family members who you cannot see regularly because of the risk. These programs would be perfect for them to have so they don’t feel alone and so they don’t get taken advantage of.

Assistance for small businesses

Many companies are pouring in support for small businesses affected by the crisis. If you own a small business or work for a small business, then you should look into these. One of those companies is Amazon. They just put together a fund worth nearly $5 million in relief of small businesses. Facebook also got in on the act. They put up a $100 million grant for those businesses impacted. They also put together a free advisory service arm to give business guidance as well as money to businesses on how to get through struggles.

For all of those businesses who are forced to work from home, kangaroo a security company is offering three free months of security camera and monitoring services to protect all of those empty offices. There are bound to be many break-ins in all of these empty offices so that is a thoughtful offering on their part.


This crisis has spread far and wide and so has its effects. Individuals, families, and companies all around the world are hurting. Society is never going to be the same. Just remember that we are in this together. That is why it is so great to see companies and government organizations putting themselves out there to lend a hand. It is good to know that there are ways for you to access help. It is even better to know that you have an opportunity to help those around you. If you have spare time, energy, or resources, please do all you can in your community to make a difference.